Hesaves Productions

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Fall 2013 New TV Show Recommendations

So it's that wonderful time of the year again where optimism frolics gracefully through the flower bed.  The fall season of TV is starting, and all the networks trot out their shiniest, newest shows, hoping for the next Lost, Friends or even Becker.  "Oh no," you might be thinking, "I am totally unprepared for the 2013 fall TV season, and I don't know what's good."

Do not fear, nameless citizen.  I'm here to let you know the top five new TV shows starting this fall that I'm excited for.  A couple caveats --- the things I tend to like are a bit ....  ummm... not quite popular.  In fact, I gravitate towards the critically acclaimed and lowest watched shows like Community, Dollhouse and Happy Endings.  However, just because it's low rated doesn't mean it's not good.  That just means the rest of America has bad tastes.  *cough*  The other thing to realize that you will not find multi-cam shows on my list because I have an intense hatred for those type of shows and laugh tracks that instruct you in the spots where you should be laughing.  The 1980's called, and they want their tube TV's back.  I will try to not go any more negative than that just because I'm trying to be a slightly less cynical person.  We will see if I break that promise by the end of this blog.  I will link a trailer in the show title.  Cue the fanfare, and here we go.

5. Enlisted - Premieres September 26th on Fox. 

This seems to be your military version of the Bad News Bears with the eccentric underdog team going up against the vastly superior mega-team.  Add a dash of Geoff Stults who I loved from "The Finder" and Keith David from everything awesome (except  "The Cape"), and I'm excited for this show.  No doubt sarcasm and "The Office" styled pranks on the other team are forthcoming!

 4. Trophy Wife - Premieres September 24th on ABC.

I really don't know why, but I'm pumped for this show.  Granted I haven't seen Malin Akerman in much besides "Watchmen," but her comedic performance looks credible in this trailer.  Add in Ryan Lee from such great things as "Super 8" and "Breaking Bad" and an Asian kid actor by the name of Albert Tsai that does not seem constrained by the manacles of having to be the Asian sterotype, and I'm all in, baby! 

3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Premiered September 17th on Fox.

To be fair, my perception of Andy Samberg diminished greatly due to the terribleness that was "Hot Rod."  (SNL is very hit and miss in generall, so I can't give him a passing grade on the digital shorts he does on that show)  But with Mike Schur and others people from "Parks & Rec" that are involved in this project, I think that B99 has a lot of potential to be funny.  Terry Crews and Andre Braugher from "Last Resort?"  I think I can stand Andy Samberg for those two fine thespians.

 2. Almost Human - Premieres November 4th on Fox.

So I had to put at least one sci-fi show on this list, and "Almost Human" is that show.  Everyone's favorite Karl Urban and "Flash Foward's" Michael Ealy are the odd couple cop pairing, except that one of them is a robot!  The philosophical debate about what it means to be human and what makes us tick seems to be an on-going tension in the show, and I'm ready for that.  Plus....Karl Urban.

1. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D - premieres September 24th.

Seriously, how could this not be number one on my list?  AoS is executive produced by Joss "Bow Before Me" Whedon, and the show runners are the esteemed Jed Whedon and Maurisa Tancharoen who helped created "Doll House" and "Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog."  Yes and yes!  I'm always happy to see Ming-Na working and my current celebrity crush, Chloe Bennet from "Nashville" is on this show.  Oh, and Agent Coulson!  Seriously, who needs Thor and Captain America?

That's all for this week.  Let me know what you are excited to watch this fall. 


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